New rs feature

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sush, Sep 6, 2019.

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  1. New RS Feature

    Match Me Button

    Your relationship chooses an avatar, and you wanna watch? Well now you can easily, simply go to relationship ship match and click match me. I'm tired of searching thru my avas

    It will preview the avatar and then give option to match or not. And if you don't have the avatar you can maybe rent it for cash or ecs for rarer avas, but only if you rs has the matching ava. If she switches then if goes away until she puts that ava back on.

    Happy RS shipping
    renamed9817 and Sirrracha like this.
  2. People actually “match” their rs ava...?
    I have to laugh
  3. Eh no support. If you go to "my items" its super easy to find the avi your looking for and use it. And the rent-an-avi thing just seems like a bad idea.
    Nando, BenSolo, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  4. I have to swipe thru like 300 avas
  5. No to renting. Otherwise idrc
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. Support af but I can’t see them bringing back avis aka renting them.

    But also with the new showcase update it would be cool if you could bookmark and avi or favorite it so it shows up first so you can easily get to it.
  7. 😬
  8. No support. It’s not that hard to swipe through avatars or go through the items section, you’re just lazy.
    Muschi likes this.
  9. If you go to "items" you only have to look through like 3-4 pages with that many avis.
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  10. Also, not sure if android has the update yet, but ios can literally search / favourite avis in the items section... soo its super easy
    and if android doesn't, I'm sure it'll be coming soon
  11. Wow rs u don’t wanna “Match Me”
  12. You want to match a snake?

    Guess that’s better than matching someone who’s stretching out their chest tattoo.
  13. No support to both ideas, especially the "rent an avi" one.
    Android doesn't have it yet.
    Victoria and Ciara like this.
  14. Wow u still hurt...
    You continually farmed me as ur rs...
    So are u considered a crybaby...
    cuz I rather be with a snake than a crybaby who still not over one lil joke or misspelling...
    RoseMilkTea, Smartass and Muschi like this.
  15. He BIG mad
    Muschi likes this.
  16. I thought I was a rat? Make up your mind.
    On that note, check out my avi 😜.
    RoseMilkTea and Smartass like this.
  17. I’m not a crybaby lmao Ciara is since she obviously cried to you. I’m over the joke lmao you still on that?
  18. That wasn’t about u, surprise I don’t think about like that.

    You’re BIG irrelevant.
  19. No one cried about you, we were all collectively making fun of you in a gc. 😘
    Muschi, RoseMilkTea and Sloth like this.
  20. Oh noooo, u hurt my fEeLiNgS, I should go make a thread about it..... o wait

    p.s Sher ples teach me how to farm :’(
    Muschi and Ciara like this.
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