Dropping That Kitty 🐱

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by ImmortalVixen, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. Hey fellow forumers :p

    With all these cat clubs around, I was genuinely curious how those of you who frequent them often, decide between them? Is it the perks? You get to use dns, rs deals (This is new to me:oops:) or extra parties?

    Personally, I need a club with a good vibe, so I always pay ihs for my first time in a new cat club. You could offer me 65 parties for my cat, but if your club makes me uncomfortable or I’m just bored, I ain’t dropping 😂

    What about the rest of you? Do you need to enjoy yourselves in them or is it just about maxing profits for your cat? 💋
  2. My factors that go into choosing a cat club:
    • Party Times
    • Good Admins
    • # of Parties
    • Nice People
    Often times its hard to find a club that has all of that so I'll need to sacrifice one for another but ye, I've been at a club for a lil while that I really like. Even when I find a club I like tho, I still enjoy trying out new cat clubs just to see what else is goin on.

    So ye thats me
    Maddi_Matsu, ImmortalVixen and Voseph like this.
  3. I usually look for the slow party cats cause I like to milk out the cash, and not the drops. There's not that many clubs who can sustain slow cats, so rip. :(
    ImmortalVixen likes this.
  4. Oh yes! Good admins are a must! Even for a potd club to be fair. I think admins make or break a club sometimes 🙃
  5. Very true! Sessions are the closest I’ve found for that, but there’s very few of them left 🥺
  6. I’ve gone enough times to have a favorite cc club. I recommend Diaboli-Cat, it’s a pretty chill club and they’ve never made me uncomfortable. Sure there’s the occasional chat member that doesn’t know when to shut up but it’s an easy thing to ignore.
    ImmortalVixen likes this.
  7. I usually go by if I know ppl in the club, if they have a good track record (some clubs will just close down outta nowhere before session is over), and how long the parties take. Clubs that go through the party too quick, I avoid.
    ImmortalVixen and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  8. Oh good to know! Thank you for that love 💋
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  9. Randomly shut down?! I’d be so mad 😠 Yeah, short parties are my biggest thing too. I almost feel like it’s a waste when they last 20-25 minutes😔
    WhoTfIsWesday and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  10. Short parties are my fave, I want dem 20-30min max.
    I get max drops with 11 hits on peace so...
    Maddi_Matsu and Voseph like this.