Are cloudpacas and kitsunes totally random for anyone who hits a pizza or cat party? Or are they related to number of hits, energy used, which bar was hit etc.?
Afaik only cash. Never seen any evidence for an increase in drops but regardless, you should get max plunder. It is relatively cheap and the cash bonus is beyond worth it.
Not unless you are being farmed so badly that no matter how you try to store your cash in other ways, they still take a lot of money with each hit. Usually referred to as the bank, it is a last ditch way to save your money. Better is to hire tutors or get items for ts.
Will there be a decent hunt any time soon? The hunts look rushed and poirly constructed for several hunts now. Artwork is shoddy at best, everything is childish as in "geared for Jr. High school not college". At least make hunts relatively relatable to college life and not so cartoonish maybe?
😛*in sfw club* *wants a good hunt* uhhhh. Not psychic so idk if there'll be a good hunt any time soon. If you want to provide a.t.a with feedback on their hunts, you can make a thread or send a ticket.
Do old phone make game crash more or this game just hate me. App up to date loads of storage room left on this phone so idk