Hey PIMDasaurus rexes, This morning we banned about 1000 users for botting. (Dramatization) Stand warned that we are going to get more serious about banning bots and removing the items they have farmed from the economy. Q. I think another user is botting. Can you ban them please? The majority of reports we get about botting are false accusations. Some people are just crazy and play a ton. Q. What if I hired a bot as a tutor? This is not a problem. You are all good! Q. What if I traded with a bot without knowing? If you didn't know, it's all good. Roar. Strange
Make sure it’s consistent. Make sure the items they farm do not make it to trades. Make sure it’s not two people just piloting each other’s accounts (ip addresses would change for this obvi). Best way to get the most of our your cat is to share an account, but if you don’t ban those people then more will continue to do it too.
The biggest thing I can think of, is using an auto-clicker to hit parties or other players continuously. Makes it easy to gain stat items, either by completing stories or garnering a CF. Then trade the stat items either directly or indirectly to the main account as a way to boost the misc bonus without doing any work, really.