What, according to u, is the biggest scam ever?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheCatLady, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. Taxes,any other charges made towards getting into college like tuition ,loans etc
    Angee likes this.
  2. [​IMG]
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. the devs are a big scam, life is a scam, government is the biggest scam, banks are a scam, taxes are a scam, literally everything is a scam
  4. Going to school for 18 years for nothing
    Maddi_Matsu and Recreant like this.
  5. Legacy boxes
  6. “This is (insert name here) calling from the IRS.....”
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  7. If you're of good financial status, does it matter?
    Rynnethia likes this.
  8. the new one (at least for me) is calls abiut my social security account being closed or hacked.. 😂 like how thats even possible
  9. free college isnt free at all. all gov.aid that people are on for "free" is due to the taxpayers, yall are welcome. fuck paying for bums im sick of tax hikes. its a scam for so many more people than the higher financial status people that go to college