What, according to u, is the biggest scam ever?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheCatLady, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. All I got was a fart and a messy toilet bowl. :|
    Muschi likes this.
  2. Ewwwwww 💀😂 Tmi
  3. Toilet seats are nasty, I think more women should learn to pee standing
    Muschi likes this.
  4. I just don’t use public bathrooms unless I’m desperate
  5. I spend 80% of my time in public, I haz no choice. I cover the seat w toilet paper tho even tho it is not economical or environmentally friendly
  6. I’m recommending you drink less fluids then
  7. Dehydration is not good for you. You should pee a few times a day
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Sacrifice your health for a decent bathroom
  9. Totally agree
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. Um, not just public toilets. Do you scrub your private toilet after each use? Do you scrub your bum before and after using it? Probably not. So your private toilet ain't even necessarily sanitary.
  11. It’s better then a public toilet.
  12. You people and your fear of the totally natural
    Muschi and TheCatLady like this.
  13. toilet toile toilet toilet toilet flush
    Muschi likes this.
  14. I've decided on one for everyone's life.


    Just the way everyone makes more money off of us, telling us to buy medicines and cleaners and bleach. Pssh! They're making millions off scaring us with little non-existent things we can't even see. 🌝
    TheCatLady and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  15. Truf. There are good and bad germs and it's bad for us to grow up without some exposure to bad germs cuz they build up our immunity.
    TheCatLady and Victoria like this.
  16. So eloquent. This is why we stan. King of language
  17. he's speaking the language of the gods.
  18. Free college isn’t exactly free for everyone it’d only be for the less fortunate while those of us with good financial status would still have to pay
  19. Do you mean like through taxes or