Hunt Idea: Climate Change

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by JuneyG, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. This idea is to bring awareness towards the increasing amount of bad news regarding the environment. More and more news of deforestation, animals going extinct and ice melting.

    This hunt could be called ‘Combat Climate Change’ (i’m terrible at names). Or something.

    Now, I am aware that doing this hunt won’t necessarily do much but the goal here is to spread awareness. We are destroying the earth, and we should attempt to do something.

    • Washed up plastic (straws, fishnets, toothbrushes, wrappers, etc.)
    • News articles about climate change
    • Strike posters
    • Photos of extinct/endangered animals
    • Reusable straw
    • Bamboo cutlery set
    • Reusable shopping bag
    • Lunch box
    • Meat free badge (reducing meat intake helps the environment a lot, as the deforestation is usually to make room for the meat industry)
    • Endangered animals (should have a few of these, with the description being what’s causing them to be endangered)
    • Speaker 📣 to raise awareness
    • Honestly no clue but yeah something haha
    Additionally, I present the idea that with each shop purchase (using real money) part of that goes towards a charity that aims to reduce the effects of climate change. I’m not sure which charities are good to suggest but I do think that every little helps.

    Also, I recognise that the stats items and whatnot do not fully help to battle the effects in real life. Large corporations and governments do not listen to us, and so we must demand change. Perhaps that could be included in the hunt? A petition stats item or something.

  2. Ata would regularly have hunts or initiatives that would aim to donate money to charities, like "buy X ec bundle and we will donate X amount to X charity or NPO" but I ain't seen it much recently.
  3. It’d be nice to see it again then! Especially with all the news about climate change!
    _Mae_Dr3ams_ and Meanie like this.
  4. This seems like a hunt that would probably only last a week and would probably take place around earth day. As far as donating to a charity goes, Ata could probably design a special avatar, pet style, or gift have it available in store for a week or two then donate a percentage of the money made to a charity aimed towards fixing climate change.
  5. Ooh yeah I get you, would be good for earth day! And I like the idea about the special avatars and stuff, thank u for replying!
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. bump 😪
  7. i absolutely love this idea, as it is shining some light on an important issue that we all should do something about 💗
    Maddi_Matsu and JuneyG like this.
  8. There was a thread about this a while back but they also mentioned donating some profits and I think that scared the apes away. 🗿
  9. Oh really? I don’t think I saw it before
  10. Pvp hunt

    Environmental activists vs Climate change deniers
  11. I'm all for this kind of hunt. And with ATA donating, they dont have to donate EVERYTHING they get from this kind of hunt....they could always do something like 5-10% of what they get.
    JuneyG likes this.
  12. i actually love this hahahaha ‘if climate change was real then why is it cold in the winter? 😤’
  13. Yeah, like every little helps! Plus, usually people spend more if they see that some of the money gets donated to a cause.
    MnK-Evil-Stoner likes this.
  14. I would love this so so much 💕💕
    JuneyG likes this.
  15. Hopefully it’ll come true!! Oh also maybe for the ECs we can get from videos we could have the videos be adverts about climate change?
    SinisterCaitlyn likes this.
  16. I’d love to see this happen!
    JuneyG likes this.
  17. Support!💖
    JuneyG likes this.
  18. I like 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
    JuneyG likes this.
  19. I'll be on the second team
    Hag and JuneyG like this.
  20. climate 😤 change 🤧 isnt 👏 real 🌍