Search Bar for showcase

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LaraAmor, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. That I can get behind, but who thought it was okay for them to open up our furni stash to the world via our showcase? 😭
    v3ND3tta likes this.
  2. I'm an android and just updated and nothing for me :( S9 I have.
  3. Ahhh i'm so happy :D what good news to wake up to! I just need my PIMD to update now
  4. Thank you everyone for the support! I know this idea have been asked for tons of times. Glad I made a thread about it and hopefully have made people's trading & gifting life easier.
  5. No idea. I haven't seen the update yet or have had the search bar
  6. Nevermind celebrating too soon πŸ˜­πŸ˜… I wanted it through gifts and trading dammmmn it
  7. If it's for searching someone else's showcase, you should have to snoop the old school way. It isn't yours, so work for it, don't be lazy.
  8. They want it for trading/gifting.
    LaraAmor likes this.
  9. At least this is progress πŸ˜‚
    Egoista likes this.
  10. Way to screw up our showcase πŸ™„
  11. Would be nice to find showcase sending easier.
    But I'm afraid because the game is plenty glitchy as is.
  12. The search bar was supposed to be for trades not showcase πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
    LaraAmor and Suz like this.
  13. Not quite what we wanted, but close enough.
  14. Would be nice to delete our own messages off other walls or have walls delete after a certain period.
  15. Is that to me? Cos If you read I did say for trading and gifting. You can categorise your things now if its screwed up or send a ticket to complain or maybe make your own thread. Thank you πŸ™‚.
  16. True true 😭 hopefully they move on to gifting and trading. Tho I don't think my thread was read properly but even so its a start. πŸ™‚
  17. !!! I think my thread wasn't read properly πŸ™ƒ
  18. Close enough indeed
  19. Some absolute genius with more of ATA's attention wanted what happened .. it was nearly right, but failed miserably... πŸ˜‘ C'mon apes, you can do better, not some half cocked, kinda sorta crap... Search bar for the showcase is useless for anyone but the narcissistic, we want it IN THE TRADE FUNCTION. πŸ‘€πŸ‘
    LaraAmor likes this.
  20. THANK YOU!