I can't be the only one who doesn't like the update. After 2 years of making 12 pages, it ends up being a whole asf waste 😭
Look who’s also wasting energy by responding. Also wtf do you mean by “superior”?? I’m definitely not superior to anyone, I’d have to be white for that. (I joke)
Lmao y'all take everything too seriously and I'm glad you hate me. 🥰 Because for me to take that personally, I would have to like you. I'm just tired of people running around on here acting high and mighty like they're God and can do no wrong.
Because you feel the need to defend yourself at every turn like they seem to do? Idk if many forumers are hoighty toighty but I think most people aren't humble and that that's an important attribute to try and foster, not one to shame people for not having.
In my honest opinion it’s the worst ever update I’ve seen since I started and let’s be honest here there’s been some other ones in the past
I don’t hate you. I didn’t even have a problem with you until this moment. Who tf is claiming they’re a god here? (Other then Ciara) You seem to be the one acting “high & mighty” here (No offense that’s just how you’re coming off)