
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by sinnr, Aug 27, 2019.

  1. How do I stop someone from “farming” hitting me ? They said to “cf” or I lose all my money 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk what her problem is. I told her to leave me alone 🙄 and I can’t even fight back only “listen “ help
  2. Just ignore them and they’ll eventually get bored and stop farming. Don’t pay attention. Just hide your cash.
    Maddi_Matsu, Muschi and sinnr like this.
  3. Have you tried uninstalling?
  4. Farming happens, it’s just part of the game. I’d say you’re best off ignoring.
    HUNGry_HUNGry_Hippo and Muschi like this.
  5. Tell them to bring out the mAiN 🥴
  6. Ignore them they eventually stop after you don’t give them a reaction they’re looking for or pay cf
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Depends on the cost.

    Will they actually go away?
    Will hiring tutors protect your money?
    Or will they strip you and undo much of your progress saving up?
    If they don't go away and strip, the question is: is the cf they ask for worth more than the damage they can do, or less?
  8. Pay one person to cf and all their friends will line up to hit you next. I’m personally disappointed in Kefo’s advice.
  9. When has this ever happened?

    Sure, in theory, if some were to be coordinated this could happen but the group would be considered scum for not honouring cf's and then you know what happens.
    Muschi and -MoB-Enchantress like this.
  10. If you know you suck at farming and have like 2T in assets. They just want a bento as cf but Ur floating 2T and the person is capable of stripping and taking 2T, be smart and lose the bento instead.

    Chances are less than 1/10 that anyone will pick on you afterwards as a result of the cf.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. I love made up statistics posted as fact
  12. Chances are less than 1/10 because I have never seen this happen ever and have seen more than 10 cf's.

    Most farmers will just move onto a new target. Not tell their network of friends about it.

    Tell me about some people who've been targeted repeatedly in the way you described and maybe the rate will become less than 1 in 5.
    Muschi likes this.
  13. You have higher stats and ppl know you on the app. Newer players are treated differently and more likely to get harassed by "farmers" the way witchy is describing.
    Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  14. Why would someone just lose all of their money if the cf is 1 Chibi?

    You're talking like someone who knows how to defend their money and knows how to strip.

    Someone threatens you and offers a cf of 1 Chibi, you're going flip it on them.

    Someone else might lose months of progress because they refused to sacrifice 2 days of progress.
  15. I don't see people giving a stuff or remembering half of said new players tho.

    On to the next one.

    I'd be genuinely surprised and intrigued to hear some cases tho.
  16. I didn't even read anyone's advice, but OP, troll them. Annoy them. Harass them by constantly posting comments about them in pub. For example, I kept telling this guy I was smashing his grandma in pub and the a mod silenced me for posting, "@ (whatever the fuck his or her username is) I knocked the dust of your grandma's puussy.

    Apparently the mods don't think it's as funny as I do