
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by KenzieMae, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. I really like this game but something that would be cool would be if you were able to trade avatars.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  2. How many times has this been suggested again? THE APES HAVE SAID TIME AND TIME AGAIN ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN

    Lime likes this.
  3. They only said it once bruh. Recently they said it, but once.
  4. gotta be honest, i read the title and my literal first thought was "wow i bet this is gonna be a noob suggesting avi trading"
    i feel like i should win something
    Ciara, Voseph, FieryTigress and 2 others like this.
  5. One of the best suggestions!! Support!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh and customisable avas.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Generally support, but knowing how ATA likes their money and would want us to keep draining our wallets for ECs to open billions of boxes for a damn avi (which at most times you won't get), it won't happen.
  8. So I was wondering why isn't there shard timer boxes instead of getting them in the hunt boxes. I personally feel like it completely decrease your chances of getting any hunt furniture 🤷‍♀️ so instead just make it into a shard timer box that makes you wait 8 or so hours to open?
    -The_Awkward_Fox- likes this.
  9. i tHiNk iTs A gR8 iDeA
  10. nO thanks chief
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.