Here's A Couple Ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by JoyBoy, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. So I've noticed a few things that I feel could be of use:

    Notifications: I don't need all of them like follow requests or whatever else they have up there in the means of that, I can turn those off and not miss anything, however I feel like the 'other notifications' option is a little broad, if I turn that off, because mind you it controls the notifs for

    1. Messages
    2. Parties that have been started
    3. Parties that have started
    4. Timer box unlocks
    5. Changes to club announcements
    I dunno about you, but I dont want or like all those extra notifs and I would turn them off but it turns off the messages as well, maybe throw in a separate tick with just messages as a category. I feel like than I could turn all the others off and not miss any of my messages.

    I know this next thing I've seen a lot of suggestions on but I feel like it would be better if it was less of a search bar and more of a drop down organizer.
    For example, you wanna find an item from a specific hunt, drop that drop down select the hunt your looking for and boom! All the items you have from that hunt is now at the top or are now showing rather than remembering what the item is called. Everything else like bentos and spinner items could be under misc.
    -Stella-5 likes this.
  2. I just wana be able to customise my Ava (and no I won’t download a dress up game) or be able to trade them :)
  3. I agree with the notification controls.

    And I prefer the search bar rather than hunt selection ー hunts are a more recent development in PIMD so there are still many, many showcase items that do not belong to hunts. Plus, ATA would need to go back and tag every single past showcase item by what categories it would fit into. There are A LOT of items that have been created in 8.5 years. A search bar would be much more pratical to implement on ATA's side of things.
    ATA has said that they will not be implementing avatar trading. :)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  4. There are plenty of reasons that wont happen EVER. There has been so many suggestions over that for almost as long as the game has been out. At this point in time it should be a silence for anyone that mentions it xD
    Muschi likes this.
  5. I mean I guess I get what your saying, what about if it was organized by stats instead of by hunt?
  7. I want new couple name colors before anything 😐
  8. No support ima very negative boi that no supports all.
  9. Not every showcase item has stats or is a stat item. Boxes, hunt/event collectibles, a lot of gifts...
  10. They do them on special occasions, plus there's not many more colors they can use, green is for mods, red is for developers of the game, blue is for the honor roll people, pink and purple are dates, and orange is care packs, not much else you can do with colors
    Loch_NESS_Monster likes this.
  11. I just have a hard time remembering what the items are called, so I would prefer organization over searching for something, maybe like more tabs than? One for all, one for giftables, one for boxes, etc?
  12. I have no issue remembering the names, so I guess I personally never thought that would be a huge issue. Maybe if ATA could implement something where the player could categorize the items themselves, so each categorization could be tailored to the player's needs... but I definitely would still want a search feature, particularly when trading.
    Sloth and JoyBoy like this.
  13. Ik that. I’m saying a new permanent color. Maybe a nude. Plus there are many colors they can choose from js....
  14. Maybe I'm just not understanding what you're saying or trying to get at
  15. I think what @Sloth is saying, is that there are different shades of blue (like how a dark blue was used for an RS date in May 2018), red, green, orange, pink, and purple that ATA could use. Plus there are some other 'basic' colors that haven't been used ー brown, for example. New players used to have a gray IGN for the first 7 days... maybe have that back.
    Maddi_Matsu, JoyBoy and Sloth like this.
  16. 🤦🏽‍♀️
  17. I remember being grey xD That sure is a throwback, but ty for elaborating
  18. It was before my time. I've seen ss though. :)
    JoyBoy likes this.
  19. I used to always suggest that for every year played a new ign color could be unlocked.
    Victoria and JoyBoy like this.
  20. So far the ideas we've come up with are
    1. Search bar for showcase
    2. Another option that separates messages from 'other notifs'
    3. A new ign color
    Keep the suggestions coming, I'm sure if we get enough support and are progressive and on top of it we can get these implemented
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.