Hunt LB Top 3

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Muschi, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. I just noticed that the Top 3 Leaderboard for last hunt get crown borders around their icons in game now.



    What do you think of it? I don't really think it is necessary, but I suppose no harm, no foul.
  2. I find it annoying tbh. It’s like a reminder that to get anything really good in this game you have to spend money
  3. I noticed before my pup (iMoan) did 😂 It takes work to get on LB, it's nice that they are getting some recognition for it.
  4. And there's like a rotation of the same 10 people that make it that to top 3, I swear. I mean props to them ig for being able to afford that both time-wise and money-wise, but I just don't really see the need for them to get another pat-on-the-back? Top 10 rewards in itself are already really good (imo at least).
  5. Ig it's another way for ata to try to get ppl to spend more money? Ppl already spend top dollar for t10 now ppl will wanna be spending just a bit more for top 3. I assume that is the angle anyway.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. I don’t see the harm in it.

    The two people that I know who have it do flash very often to stay in t10 so I suppose it’s nice for them to get a little extra recognition.
  7. It's definitely unharmful and unnecessary but it's another way of ATA getting under the skin of those who spend thousands on here to get to T10. I do agree that the T10 rewards are good enough but add some more pizzazz ig ¿ On that note, I think the T500 rewards need a lil pizzazz too the rewards aren't that great tbh, and we need more non-hunt-drop leaderboards, whether it be PVP or something other than the default lb. These types of leaderboards make a hunt fun and entertaining rather than just watching the same handful of people climb up the leaderboards 🥵
    Alollofern, Piggys24 and RainInMe like this.
  8. Rewards for top 500 are a slap in the face considering they still have to spend a fair amount of money to attain that position. A pizza kini only seems fair.
  9. I don’t know. I’ve gotten t500 without spending money so I don’t think I agree to that.

    ATA can’t reward everyone with items, but maybe a cute little thing like the crowns would be cool.
  10. Maybe have Top 10 all have the gold colored crowns, Top 100 have the silver, and Top 500 have bronze.
  11. Pigs

    Whatever keeps those vain whales throwing their cash at the game, as long as it doesn't influence my gameplay.

    They can have all the aesthetic items, crowns, and colourful names they want.
    renamed9817 and Vosovic like this.
  12. [​IMG]
  13. It makes me feel bad that I dont spend money and cant get anywhere near LB, I play all day since I work at home, almost always constantly on yet I dont get anywhere near that. I feel like this is another way to motivate people to spend money. Jokes on ATA though. I dont make any money xD
    Toad likes this.
  14. It's cute for like 2 seconds till you think about it lol
    Ig I like it on leaderboard but I really don't need it in chats
    Alollofern, Voseph and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  15. I suppose because the LB disappears 24 hours after hunt ends, they put it in chats and it'll last until current hunts ends so it gets more exposure. Then they'll put the crowns on the T3 for this hunt.
  16. I want to be a king.😥
    TheBoobFairy likes this.
  17. Looks cute I suppose
  18. Lmao glorifying them even more lmao ata is really stepping up on trying to get people to go after lb even more, first it was the gold crown items now this. But it would be nice if T500 got some better gifts like maybe a kini since even tho they may not be throwing money at ata they still try.
    Muschi likes this.
  19. Maybe ata wants to appreciate people who spend their money the most? It's more like an appreciation imo
  20. Hunt leaderboard doesn't necessarily reflect who spends the most money...
    Rizky and Maddi_Matsu like this.