Unpopular Opinions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jaidah, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. Unpopular opinion: "As a med student" wasn't necessary. What's that thing the kids say these days? Weird flex, but OK. 😶

    Lowkey impressed you have money to throw down on ec's as a student tbh. Also unpopular opinion: ec's are too expensive. OK. That's not an unpopular opinion. It's a popular one. 😬
    RoseMilkTea and Muschi like this.
  2. Not all living species have babies and/or poop. that statement is not based in science at all...

    Also I don't think anyone here is actually advocating for procreation to be universally banned, and more or less just sharing their opinions on it. By posting in here anyway I think they're quite aware that their opinions are unpopular. 🤔 I think people are entitled to their own opinions esp if they're recognizing that it goes against the grain. I certainly haven't seen Wednesday advocating for like, forced sterilization or anything.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  3. This is why you should always take the epidural
  4. She did. It had to wear off enough to push though. 😂
  5. Well, if you personally knew any doctors you'd know it's a lifestyle choice rather than a profession alone so ofcourse it affects me as a doctor wannabe that there are people out there wishing for people to never cure from cancer and other terrible diseases. I'm sure it won't affect my hairdresser as much or let's say - you. IMO
  6. You're awfully rude for a med student who spends her time arguing in an online forum instead of studying.
  7. I should apologise because I feel like my main point got lost in translation also low-key sounds like I was sarcastic which wasn't the intent soz
    What I was trying to say was not that overpopulation does not exist. And yes, I am very aware that certain Asian countries such as Japan don't immediately fall into third world, and that poverty exists in all corners of the globe. What I am trying to say is that overpopulation is an issue that does not need to exist because we have more than enough resources for the issue to be resolved near instantaneously, but our economy won't allow it because that's what capitalism affords us. I suppose you could argue that this is just from an idealistic stand point and not an actual achievable goal because you can't expect the economic structure to change just because of poverty and the population, which is honestly saddening because the population makes up the economy.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  8. 😂 Chill fam. The statement was irrelevant to the point you were making, and I was making a light-hearted jab. But being that you went there, I'll entertain it.

    1. I happen to be an adult, with friends in many professions - yes, doctors too. Surprise!
    2. You have awful bad manners for someone who is studying to work in a field that very much requires compassion and professionalism.
    3. Here's a fun fact! I had cancer, and am in remission, but will always be at risk of developing it again. So if anybody is affected by cancer and a potential cure, I'd say I'm a close fit.

    The poster's opinion was, as the thread implies, unpopular, and we don't have to agree, nor give input so rudely. What we could do though (and should do) is not presume to know other's lives, professions (high key would never be a hairdresser, low key have qualifications pertaining to medical sciences myself, oop, flex) or experiences. Just a thought. Or you could say... an unpopular opinion. 🌚🤷🏼‍♀️

    K. I'm done now. No derailment here. Just unpopular opinions. 🙃
  9. Yoghurt > ice cream
  10. First off, I was the one who said that, not the person you quoted. Second, I never asked for the forbidding of anything. Having children is selfish and if me thinking/saying that makes you feel that insecure, you have other issues to deal with. And naturalism is not an argument. Racism/bigotism is a very natural instinct, people's brains automatically 'other' things and make us wary for survival, that doesn't make it okay.
  11. The spelling yogurt > every other weird spelling
    WildBlueberry and Muschi like this.
  12. The metric system and literally every single other method of speaking, spelling and measuring from everywhere except america > murica
    WildBlueberry and RoseMilkTea like this.
  13. This reminds me of the fact that Americans spell polony as bologna and that's some high level crackhead stuff right there.
    __Cece__ likes this.
  14. I'm not American
  15. Technically Americans are the most correct here. They spell it that way because that's how Italians spell it and Italy is where bologna originated from. It's named after the city Bologna.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. That's bologna
  17. [​IMG]

    Also I'm sorry but spelling yogurt/ghurt is not the same thing as spelling yogurt or yoghourt okay I'm not a sociopath
    WildBlueberry likes this.
  18. Yaourt is best spelling tbh
  19. Hot sauce belongs on anything and everything.
    WildBlueberry likes this.
  20. Other thing. I feel like you have no reading comprehension. I never said I want ppl to die from diseases. I said that I think ppl already know how to cure cancer and other diseases but they don't want to or they want to milk more money first because the medical industry survives off of people being sick.