Have you ever...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PapiLovesHisTequila, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. So.. I've been here for a long time and I've formed lots of friendships throughout the years.

    There have been those that helped me out during my humble beginnings and others who taught me the art of cactus arpee.

    Others whom I only conversed through either walls or gift messages.

    Anyways.. communication between people can be fun.

    It can last for a couple of messages or over time it can develop into full on deep convos.

    There are those who stand out.. those whom we share a lot in common with and who we can talk to for hours a day and perhaps all nighters. People who we can call friends.. buddies.. pals.. whatever it is you wanna call it.

    Anyways.. I've gone iny (my term for inactive) a couple of times. I've come back and seen that good friends are gone.. back in those days I really didn't give out any other app info to keep in touch with. And I kinda feel bad..

    Have you ever had a friend go iny or a mentor and you never got to say goodbye to or wish you could've kept in contact with?

    What made them so special? What would you say to that person now?
  2. I never befriend anyone on phone games
  3. Figured. Was actually waiting for a post like this.
    Maddi_Matsu and GodTierOni like this.
  5. Don’t know what you mean
  6. Yup! I was an admin for an online LBT support group, made some wonderful connections, to the point of sending gifts to one another, arranging secret santa's, and group meet ups in person (multiple countries). Unfortunately another admin had a massive tantrum, removed the other admin, and closed down the page. We had 400 or so members. I managed to stay in contact with those I spoke to most frequently, but we've never been able to rebuild our safe space and there's definitely people I miss talking to, that were either inactive at the time we were shut down so were unawares, or using alias accounts because they hadn't come out publicly yet. 😭
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  7. The ppl who I'd be concerned about losing contact with have my actual phone number so this doesn't rly happen. I think the only one who did disappear and I sometimes wonder about is my old rs Friday. Altho she randomly added me on some nub account a few weeks ago to say she re-downloaded the app but couldn't remember her friday account password. And now she's back to being mia before we rly checked in 🤷‍♀️ she's an interesting person.
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  8. Yes, one of my first tutors while I was an ECBC back in 2012...

    ...who ended up becoming my pupil while I was inactive for 2 years, and then became my tutor again and RS (when I finally first accepted the idea of RS) when I returned, after going inactive again for like 6 months... because school/work life gets crazy busy sometimes.

    We talked outside of this app for hours and hours for like 6 years... we lost touch for months at a time (because life happens) but somehow would reconnect eventually (I let them know the real me)

    Then, earlier this year they insulted my choice of gf, and I didn’t like that shit.

    So, to defend her honor, I blocked they ass with the quickness... but, since we were friends so long, and I knew they genuinely felt that way, I missed them, and I unblocked them like a few weeks ago.

    I’m too prideful to message first, and haven’t checked to see if they were active or not on the game, because that’s how I’m made (and they know it and have always accepted this). I’m hoping when they see me they’ll just say what’s up, and we’ll talk like we never fell out in the first place... because that’s just how we’ve always done.

    What makes them so special... is that our conversations can last for hours with no awkward silences while living daily life... we sometimes talk to each other through song lyrics... we rarely talked about PIMD at all, and we both moved across the world and somehow stayed connected through the years. We’re both confrontational and sometimes loud as hell and like some of the same things.

    What would I say?

    I miss you old friend.🖤
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  9. Hm. I can't rly think of anyone. All the super important friends I've made over the internet, I have added on my FB so we never completely lose contact.

    I do miss talking to some of them regularly though. Sometimes we try to revive our daily conversations (usually when we message on birthdays), but it's difficult to fall back into the groove we once dug... and I suppose nostalgia doesn't always need revisiting.

    I'm happy being casual friends, as long as I know they're doing okay and they know I'm here for them if they ever need me.
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  10. Damn no one likes me like that...
  11. And for me it's usually like once we stop talking the past is better left in the past since sometimes trying to reconnect with someone again is awkward. Tried it enough times and nah with some exceptions sort of.
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  12. I’ve made some great friends on the game. Some of talk to outside of the game. Unfortunately I don’t talk very much so we lose touch. That’s about all 🙈
  13. Yeah one but I was a noob and probably didn't know them that well anyway.

    I don't really keep in contact with those I've added off of pimd anyway. Just one of them.

    The others seem to have moved on anyway and I let them be.
  14. I've had a lot of really good times with good people on this game.

    I don't expect people to stay in touch if myself or they were to leave, as I'm really bad at staying in touch. But i would be super grateful for the people who do try.

    I don't think I've given my socials to anyone, but peeps got me added on a third party so thats always an option.
  15. I would say.....

    Chloe (I forgot her IGN) the Asian forumer

    They were just people I talked to a lot back in 2011-2013.

    I would say hello.