Guide To Becoming A Forum Celebrity

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Stark, Aug 11, 2019.

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  1. You forgot the UwU #notfamous
  2. Step 6: Start a random contest/giveaway trend.

    Step 7: Don’t avoid the drama. Become the drama.
    TrippinOnAcid and Sirrracha like this.
  3. Don't forget there's also the somewhat well known but not actually liked (these tend to confuse themself and be delusional thinking they're popular ) aka the trolls.

    Buuut I'm sure we know who dat is
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  4. [​IMG]
    Alicia and Voseph like this.
  5. Yes it's you
  6. Maddi and Kefo have been open about liking Oni 😶 some ppl disliking someone doesn't mean everyone does
    Alicia, Muschi and GodTierOni like this.
  7. The fact that u replied 2 minutes after without me @Ing you says something sad .
  8. Am I not allowed to respond
  9. I feel attacked
  10. You're so thirsty like chill. You have my attention gremlin.
  11. I am not a gremlin but thank you Master of the Rp
  12. I was genuinely referring to myself around June/July 2018... a little before I became inactive again for the most part in October.

    But you can feel included if you want... I’ve never minded sharing the ummm “spotlight” :/
  13. Shid n fardalot
  14. Okay gremlin. 🚮
  15. No u
    GodTierOni likes this.
  16. Ignore any of their 3rd party gc invitations
    Alicia likes this.
  17. Step 8 : Shitpost on every thread possible, and use either a dead meme or cliché phrase in your reply in an blatant attempt to be dad joke humorous

    Step 9: Lurk selfie thread and disingenuously comment in an almost creepy manner... post after post... and repeatedly tell people to use imgfit instead of img instead of just correcting the pic and saying fixed. (old method)
  18. Step 10: public your rap lyrics in forums
  19. Step 11: Forget steps 1-10. It’s all about Oni now.
    Alicia, Pat and Maddi_Matsu like this.
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