Big Mistake?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by JoyBoy, Aug 9, 2019.


Did You Get A Free Anime Light Box?

  1. Yes

    34 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
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  1. So I don't know what sort of joke this is but how do you get a lite anime box confused with one of this hunts lite boxes, was it everyone that this has happened to? Or Just a few?
  2. 🙋🏻‍♀️
  3. they fixed it. restart for 2 deadly lite boxes. everybody got an anime box
    Victoria and Kryys like this.
  4. People are already suggesting we can't complain about being given incorrect items.
    Sirrracha likes this.
  5. probably bc it's free and you should be glad they even gave u something for nothing 😔
  6. Requesting lock, didn't realize I had to restart at first
    Voseph likes this.
  7. It's ok.. it took them a couple of minutes to correct it. But yah.. nothing wrong with free stuff, wrong item or not.

    Buwbuw and Skylar2018 like this.
  8. I only got anime box even after restating
  9. Umm so, it's taking a while to be locked 🤣

    Let's take a moment of silence to remember the old PIMD

    *Hint hint, next Thursdays weekly thread by yours truly
  10. When I opened my app I got both 2 of this hunts and the anime one, so 🤷‍♀️ ig it was a mistake. But we got this hunts boxes so o well
  11. In b4 lock

    I'm just surprised I got furni with it since I thought they expired after the hunt?
  12. You can still get furniture from boxes even if the hunt has ended.
    GodTierOni and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  13. The drops don't count but you can still get other stuff. Even avis ✌🏻
  14. Locking now! 💖
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