Wednesday Appreciation Thread

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by renamed41832, Mar 30, 2019.

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  1. Sarcasm brah
    -Noob-With-Boobs- and Buwbuw like this.
  2. I am unsatisfied with this answer.
  3. You sound like every teacher I’ve encountered.
    Kefo, Muschi, Buwbuw and 2 others like this.
  4. That you're a troll? get out
  5. suuure okay
  6. I still donut think it's hate
  7. [​IMG]
  8. This funny asab😂😂
    Muschi likes this.
  9. Nah you’re mad and been thinking about me way too much since my name all in your mouth.
    Are you playing with yourself again?

    How does my name taste in your mouth? 😘
  10. I don't play with myself, I get played with

    Oh, lemme add that to my arsenal of remarks. That's sexual and funny. "I don't play with myself, I get played with." See that itself could be a double entree, a pun.

    Your name isn't in my mouth. I wouldn't want to know what your name tastes like and sending me the kissy face emoji is clearly a sign of sexual harassment. You CANNOT touch my no no spot
  11. How does my name taste in your mouth?
    @ me even more baby cause you’re a fan and you love my attention. And no I don’t want to touch you.
  12. Locked due to thread going way off topic.
    Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
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