Cinnamon Roll!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Panda, Aug 6, 2019.

  1. So I was minding my business scrolling through a cat meme dump on imgur to get rid of a small case of the saddies when I saw this

    It looks like Rolly The Cinnamon Roll Cat!
    I want it. :(

    Anyways I just wanted to share. 😊
  2. Curious if that is its natural coat pattern, or if it's one of those temporary dyes (and one that is hopefully safe for pets).
    Panda likes this.
  3. Cute. And here. Moo dogs always help get rid of my sadness.

  4. I low key came here to see food
    Panda likes this.
  5. So cute omggg
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  6. I didn't even think to consider if that was it's natural coat or dyes. I hope it's natural!
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  7. Also, I just realized this posted in questions and feedback and idk how to fix that or how to avoid it in the future. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The new forum is still very foreign to me. :(
  8. I just figured it out 😐
    My bad. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I honestly avoid forums because it confuses me so much!
  9. I love him.
    Panda likes this.
  10. It's okay! You can request a mod to move it into another subforum.
    I know there are dyes that are not harmful, so if it is a dye then I hope it's that kind. The biggest issue with using dyes meant for humans, is that often they are not safe for ingestion. Dogs and cats will often lick their fur (and others' fur), thus ingesting any dyes.
    Panda likes this.
  11. Ty for the info!😊
    Muschi likes this.
  12. idk if there is some special protocol for requesting a mod to move this to the proper subforum but this me doing that if not 😂
  13. Same 😭