If I Wrote a Book

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ATE_EM, Aug 3, 2019.


Would you buy a book written by me?

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
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  1. Never. I'm here to bother you with my fattness sir.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  2. Let's compete
    What I'm wondering is why you always post on my threads when you should be spending that time on a treadmill?
  4. I'm wondering why you spend all your time tryna diss other when you should be cleansing your spirit with bleach enemas
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  5. Post something you've written
  6. Yes post something you’ve written child.
  7. I let them define how well I funk
  8. Me, sitting out here with my C average, gracefully failing through art school and life in general;

  9. [​IMG]
  10. You shut your face hole! flex tape can fix anything.
  11. Then why haven’t you fixed your school average 🤔
  12. Shit's expensive. Need a flex tape sponsor.
  13. Are you sure you want to be in art school? Ppl tend to do better at things when they actually care about them 👀 you might enjoy a different calling or even just a different route
  14. Right
  15. flex tape can't fix that
  16. My dude. My guy. My homeboy. If you could tell Jesus to just drop off some skills on my doorstep during his next resurrection. Like a good math. Or a gooder English. Some mechanicals. That'd be dope. Unfortunately, none of my current capabilities will bring me a job that'll allow me the money to feed my future cats.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  17. Marry someone shallow and rich
  18. That's my backup plan. My backup backup is to become an escort.
  19. Jesus Christ
  20. So are you gonna post a sample of your writing?
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