
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by BrattyAngel, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. Im going through so much my uncle died of cancer and like its just terrible and now my ex friend is hitting me via this game i mean and wont leave me alone even when i do tell him this this is so strsseful
  2. This game is cancer
    Majima_Goro, Sirrracha and Seriously like this.
  3. Sorry for your loss.. but don't let the hits from a game get to you.
  4. Definitely don’t. But if you need someone to talk to pm me. I’m a great listener :)
  5. Just turn off the notifications for this game and take a brake for a while. You need time to grieve and pointless stress from this game isn’t a healthy mix with that.
    Sleepy and Muschi like this.
  6. This wouldnt be the first time someone made a fake cancer story to escape sfw.
    -Noob-With-Boobs- likes this.
  7. Take a break from pimd. There are 3rd party apps if you want to stay in contact w friends/supports from here while you're grieving
    Sleepy and Muschi like this.
  8. pimd is supposed to be fun! if it’s impacting your mental health, a break definitely should be in order. especially if you’re going through hard irl times, too.

    i wish you well!
    Sleepy and Muschi like this.
  9. Good to see forums is still trash LMAOO
    Sirrracha and -Noob-With-Boobs- like this.
  10. How is this thread an example of forums being trashy? I can think of numerous better examples... this thread couldn't hold a candle to them.
  11. 🍿🌚
    Sirrracha likes this.
  12. But it wasn’t my family member went through chemo therapy🙄
  13. What are you really expecting from posting a thread like this for complete strangers?