No Like Squaw

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ATE_EM, Jul 31, 2019.


Who else can humbly say they never liked a single post?

  1. Me

  2. Not me

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  1. Ok gay boi
  2. This thread literally has a racial slur in the title, are mods actually just gonna let it stay
    Muschi and Alicia like this.
  3. Oh, yikes. I totally thought he just mistyped "squad."
  4. I wrote it in reference to Isaiah rashad's song 'For The Squaw' not as a racial slur. Wednesday never been to chick fil a but she know all the fucking racial slurs. What a weird girl
  5. It's a racial slur no matter how you use it and yes I know it because it pertains to me
  6. No, it explains that it's a slur. Your dictionary definition gives the idea that it isn't offensive. The same way 'cunt' technically refers to genitalia and 'bitch' refers to female dogs.
    Alicia likes this.
  7. In the grey box next to noun it says offensive.
    MiniMinx and Buwbuw like this.
  8. I chuckled for skipping right over that.
  9. My eyes glossed over that dun mind me
  10. That word is literally always a racial slur though. There is no context that it isn't...

    Also, considering Wednesday is Native, I'm quite sure she is well aware of the slurs used against her community. πŸ’β€β™€οΈ
  11. Im part Cherokee and I don't give a fuck
  12. You’re an angry lesbian
    MiniMinx likes this.
  13. Do you guys hear something?
  14. Lmao you and everyone w their Cherokee princess grandmother
    RoseMilkTea and Muschi like this.
  15. That doesn't mean it isn't a slur though. πŸ€” The word was literally made to BE derogatory. Your lack of offense does not negate that the word is and was used by oppressors to dehumanize.
  16. I’m mentally ill
    Do I count?
    MiniMinx likes this.
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