I'm Scared

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sherily, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. Do you guys think the world will end in 2012?
  2. Pffft it ended in 2017...
  3. it did end, this is hell
    Voseph, Alicia and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  4. The world's three largest cargo ships emit more greenhouse gasses annually than every car in the world combined. Next time someone guilts you out of using a straw in your soda tell them that they're blindly distracting themselves from the fact that our capitalist society will destroy the world faster than a plastic straw will. Sip your soda with your newfound Saiyan Pride.
    Alicia likes this.
  5. God I wish it did end
    MiniMinx likes this.
  6. I[​IMG]
  7. Well, I'll build a mote around my house so I'll be safe. Apocalypses can't cross motes. Nostradamus said so.
  8. Where's Nostradamus now?
    -Noob-With-Boobs- likes this.
  9. I hear he's on the moon with Elvis, inside the safety of a mote.
  10. Joke's on us. This is heaven.
    Alicia likes this.
  11. Feels more like purgatory.
    Alicia likes this.
  12. Satan I wish it did end
    MiniMinx and GodTierOni like this.
  13. Fuckin mood
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Heh ew
  16. Too late, he’s already here
    MiniMinx and GodTierOni like this.