Friday Nights Suck

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. Yes you're having so much fun that you're talking about how your Friday Night sucked
  2. You're not even a part of this thread. Stop using my name to be relevant. I'm not the miserable loser here you are.
  3. It did suck. But not because of alcohol.
  4. I become apart of the thread when I comment on said thread and I have before tbh. Also, no one called you a loser, but since you assume someone did, maybe you think you are a loser. 🌚
  5. Yea ok. Sure
  6. You didnt comment until I said something. Like I said, stop using me to remain relevant. You're wasting the air I breathe.

  7. we're all wasting the air all of us breathe so that's why I propose we all start breathing very slowly throughout the day that way we limit the amount of oxygen we take in and also the amount of carbon dioxide we exhale that way we help keep our planet green a little longer catch my drift? Also scientists have linked a very slow heart rate, similar to that of the Galapagos tortoise which averages around 6bpm, to longer life. So if we lower our breathing, we can lower our heart rate just enough to add a few years to our lives and at the same time lower the amount of oxygen we're taking from our ecosystems and the carbon dioxide we're exhaling and we can live longer to make our planet a greener place to live n'a-mean?

    it's a win-win for everyone right?
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  8. Jopo just schooling everyone
  9. Don't assume I can't make poor decisions soberly.
  10. I'm perfectly aware that you can do so. I've seen your hair
  11. Quit using Wednesday’s hair to stay relevant
  12. Fuck off loser
  13. Quit responding to me to stay relevant
    I mean I adore my fans but please 😌
    MiniMinx and -Noob-With-Boobs- like this.
  14. I have no shame. Also I don't allow myself to get to the point of becoming drunk. I need control.