
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RoD-EdgyJessie, Jul 29, 2019.

  1. What is Jessie ๐Ÿค”
  2. Jessie is the female spelling of Jesse. Jesse is a common male name.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. A musician
    Buwbuw, MiniMinx and GodTierOni like this.
  4. Jessie is that nanny who take care of those kids whose parents are never at home.
    Chillex and Muschi like this.
  5. Bad parenting tbh
    Sloth likes this.
  6. I was more talking about me baby doll๐Ÿ’€
  7. Oh idk then
  8. Or they just tryna pay their bills, working two jobs
  9. Jessie is Eissej spelt backwards
  10. [​IMG] sheโ€™s a bad stay at home mom if that was her occupation...
  11. That show with the nanny of the white black and Indian kids with the pet alligator thing Mr. Kipling and then the light skinned freckled boy died
    Cameron Boyce
  12. Ummm made that joke already ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  13. Idk what you're talking about. I am defending parents who aren't able to be at home from being called bad parents, das all
  14. Dude thats the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the name Jessie
  15. Same :(
  16. Whomst
  17. Jesse is sausage
  18. The mom... her name was Christina Ross...
  19. Jessie is, in this scenario, a thread title.
  20. I am ignorant of pop culture/a lot of news