#FreeSloth The Movement

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sloth, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. I'll make sloth cakes for the movement 👊
    Sloth likes this.
  2. u got silenced fair and square, ily tho.
    Muschi and PapiLovesHisTequila like this.
  3. U need to get silenced, but do I report it no...
    so I like how u ain’t support when u my best friend...
    That’s fine ig...
  5. We gonna protest
    Sloth likes this.
  6. Me and Dr. Squirt are on our way to bust you out that cell they got you locked in. 🐢
    Sloth likes this.
  7. Wow bring squirtly for support at least lol 😂 and Pro Squirter (idk ur new bby’s name)
  8. Squirtly is the good one of the bunch. He's all about getting his degree in biology and shizz. 🤭 I still haven't named the bby.
  9. lies
    submit a ticket
  10. You legit said the word call. I’m done with you.
    I need a new best friend who gunna ride or die for me cuz Jai legit gunna ride and leave me to die...
    Judgy likes this.
  11. Did you repent?
    Muschi likes this.
  12. I’ll join back into the church of O... if u side with me... 😂
    Lol jk
    But ofc not cuz they don’t deserve my repentance
  13. Ugh I don’t know
    You’ll have to ask google.
    @Muschi what do you think?
    MiniMinx and Blothhundur like this.
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