#FreeSloth The Movement

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sloth, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Yep it’s a homegurl.

    Well not much to say, but that I was unsilenced for 1 full day.
    That starts this movement of #FreeSloth.
    Sloths are cute and u just took away that cuteness from public channels.
    Talk on here. Anything you want.
    And Finally...
    Suck On Me Cuz I Don’t Even Like You, But You All On Me.
    (you know who)
    Muschi, Alexi, Sirrracha and 4 others like this.
  2. I think I’m back on my bs...
    Y’all won’t see me on pub anymore 😂
    Judgy likes this.
  3. 👊 I'm here for the movement. #SlothLivesMatter
    Sloth likes this.
  4. We need the sloths in Pub again!!!! Standing for the movement. #FreeSloth
    Sloth and Judgy like this.
  5. Call a doctor cuz my heart hurts...
    Y’all breaking my sloth heart like I broke that TOU...
  6. Sloth is a savage #Sloth2020
  7. No... I was a savage, but you know I toned it down cuz I wanted to be a good future mod. Now I’m back to my old ways...
  8. Yes or I’m going to take ur precious cat...
    jk I would never 😂
  9. ... so a savage? 👀
  10. No petty savage
  11. #Sloth4Dev
    Muschi, Sloth and Judgy like this.
  12. What did you do to get silenced anyway
  13. Cuz I broke tou... what else oni....
    but I was the only one to get silence and legit someone above me said 3rd party app and two post later someone said the same damn word... I swear...
    Tbh 30days... I’m done...
  14. Thanks Rs Me before I become dev thou
  15. Mods pick faves tbh
  16. Oni I’m starting to like u as a friend is that bad
  17. I support you. ❤
    Sloth likes this.
  18. Support 🙃
    Sloth likes this.
  19. Free slothiana
    Sloth likes this.