🎉Party History🎉

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LeftSock, Jul 26, 2019.


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  1. It would be convenient if we were able to see how many dns someone uses in a party. We already see the items people get, money gained and the amount of hits. Adding the amount of dns use would be very helpful, especially for cat cafes and pizza pops!
  2. Bump
    Baphomet likes this.
  3. You can kind of tell if someone has DNed by checking hits from previous parties already. But I guess this would be convenient.
  4. Totally agree!!!!! Lots of sneaky players!
    Baphomet likes this.
  5. What if they dn'd to hit another player?

    What does the refilling of an energy bar tell you about a club member, that is any of your business?
  6. Leave my sneaky ass alone 👀