Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by awkwardchic, Jul 25, 2019.

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  1. Hey everyone.

    Let me just speak my mind here. I know SFW or PVP is part of this game, but what if the person that is being hit by a farmer doesn't want to be involved in SFW or doesn't have the stats or the payment to give the farmer? There are clubs that has rules that if you're in SFW you need to leave the club or get kicked. Or sometimes they ask the player to simply leave the game. Isn't it unfair if the player didn't even asked to be in SFW? It's not that fun to those who uses this game as their stress reliever or let say as their way to relieve their DEPRESSION and ANXIETY.

    To anyone who doesn't know what depression is let me define to you again. Depression is a serious mental illness that negatively affects how you feel, act and think. Depression causes sadness and/or loss of interest in things or activities (i.e games). Let me connect what I'm saying here, SFW or farmers hits people who are not interested or don't want to be involved with SFW. Some of these players just wants to play peacefully and just wants to enjoy the game. These players are happy playing this game until the farmers hits them or steal their hard earned tutors. Like in schools, these farmers are the bullies. The bullies will keep bullying (as what they do) their defense less classmate/s and just like here hit them when they don't get what they want even though they have asked them to stop whereas the bullies doesn't know what their classmate/s what they are going through.same thing for workplace bullying. Going back to the main topic which is unwanted SFW, as I have observed that most farmers hits with no reason or needless to say just to poke fun same as bullies. Though, it's not fun for some or maybe most players. Maybe some players are going through something in real life. They don't want to be involved in a stressful SFW. I've read so much news articles in different countries where kids who play video games and gets bullied and the fact they're already are getting bullied in real life, which results to depression and sadly, it results to SUICIDE. That's scary. I hope they have conscience and reflect on what they did. I know some players here experiences this here and I won't name drop. Would you want things to happen that way?

    Maybe some players here uses these as their escape from the cruel reality i.e maybe they're getting bullied in real life or had some personal problems and this game is their escape for everything. They won't/can't want to leave the game just because they're happy playing and has formed friendships with some players. The game is their only escape from sadness. But then it will all be taken by these goddamned farmers who doesn't have anything to do with their lives. Why isn't it possible for them to look for players to hit in SFW club friendly rather than hitting defense less players who are just playing the game to have fun and for their sanity.

    For ATA:

    You need to take action to this problem. Don't just say that it's part of the game. What about those players who wouldn't want to get involved of SFW. How would you take action on this? I know you did something like the peace tags but where is it now? It's hard to get access to them and you can just get them from the spinner. Please actually do something about this.

    Some players doesn't have money or credits to whatever to protect themselves and they are defenseless, helpless and frustrated. Most of us are just escaping the cruel reality. Reporting them doesn't do good. Please help us out. If you really care about your players.

    Don't wait for something drastic to happen.

    Thank you.
  2. If you don't want to be involved in SFW, don't play a game in which PvP is a pivotal part of. The game is built for it. It's like playing Mario Kart and saying the competitive aspect of the racing makes you feel bad when you don't get first place and therefore the developers should take it out. Its absolute nonsense.

    And, newsflash, ATA already implemented peace tags to try to cater to you guys crying about this all the time. Use them.

    Are you trying to bully ATA into doing what you want by implying people will like... kill themselves? Over SFW? What the fuck?

    I'm sorry but the fact that you guys throw out "depression" and "anxiety" when talking about PvP in a mobile game when people are actually struggling with real depression and anxiety on a day to day basis just makes me have absolutely no sympathy for you. If you don't like how the game mechanics make the game playable, don't play this game.
  3. You know my dear, that's your opinion. And can you please read about what I'm saying about the peace tags? I know that they are already implemented. What I'm saying is that it was not easily accessible. And excuse you for saying that I'm bullying them to do what I want. I was just expressing my thoughts about it. It free world honey. Thank you for expressing your thoughts it's much appreciated and understood. ☺️
    Gummy likes this.
  4. PIMD is, at its core, a PvP game. It says this in the game description in the app store. If people with mental illnesses cannot handle the ~intensity~ of it, then they can easily uninstall. PIMD does not need to alter its core element to cater to their personal struggles. There are plenty of other apps that do not have a PvP element to them.

    If people cannot handle PvP to the point where they might off themselves over it, then they need to see a mental health professional, not get more peace tags. ATA should not enable players' potential mental illnesses. Peace tags are not a valid coping mechanism.
  5. PIMD when itself was first introduced didn't have this much parties or didn't have hunts until 2014. PVP was the main theme and they only had 3 parties (fake art, counter, prank I guess) and wars were the main theme back then. So stop whining If you're not able to continue in the game or handle the sfw . Either pay the cf or leave the game ffs

  6. She's only saying her thoughts and i don't think its a sort of whining or whatsoever. We should accept opinions or thoughts of other people. Peace y'all ✌
  7. Ok as a person who suffers from depression & anxiety this post makes no sense to me. This is a PVP game! If the sfw/pvp effects your depression/anxiety worse (which I don't see why it would tbh but everyone is different) either pay the cf or don't play the game. This game from what I'm told (only been playing 3yrs) started as just pvp! Why ask ata to take out a part of the game that the game was built on! That's ridiculous. If you don't want to be involved in possible sfw/pvp the solution is simple. Don't play a PVP game!!
  8. Okay, but I don't have to agree with her opinion. I think it's a very misguided viewpoint. She shared her opinion in forums for community feedback, no?
    Gummy, Obnoxious6, Judgy and 6 others like this.
  9. I've been suffering from depression & anxiety for a long time. I know several other players that have as well. Trying to use that as an excuse for ata to remove pvp as part of the game, the part of the game which is was built on, is just 🤦. Once upon a time, there were no hunts or parties. Just pure pvp. Don't play a PVP game if the pvp effects you that badly.
    Obnoxious6, Judgy, Cindyrela and 3 others like this.

  10. I get a peace tag once in every 10 spins. You're just not trying hard enough!!
  11. If your depression and anxiety gets worse from playing PIMD is better to delete the app. This app is a PVP app and you can't expect to change a game to cather to your needs. Go see a specialist if this small thing affects you.
    A lot of people (including myself) use this app to release the anxiety. Getting hits/farmed mostly can be fun and gives you the oportunity to think and find good strategies to avoid being affected by the said PvP. Hence,the pvp point actually helps.
    Stop taking things so serious
    Obnoxious6, Judgy, Rule and 3 others like this.
  12. I have so many peace tags it's annoying 😂
    DevilsWife likes this.
  13. If you failure in a GAME is stressing you out and exacerbating your anxiety, depression, etc. then the best option is probably to uninstall said GAME. Or learn to enjoy all of its aspects. Not just the boring parties and irreplaceable social aspect.

    You can still talk to your friends on here and chill and be social.

    You can block people who are harassing/bullying you, but their hits don't constitute bullying or harassment.
  14. If this game worsens your feelings of anxiety or depression, then you should look elsewhere for that relief. PVP has always been a part of this game, and it's pretty rude tbh to ask a game to change their mechanics for you. You have the option of finding other games that are similar to the other aspects of PIMD and don't have PVP. It has been your choice to be here, and you have many options when it comes to being involved in SFW. You could use peace tags, learn to fight back, pay whatever cf, or just ignore them. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  15. At the end of each SFW farmers make new friends rather than enemies tbh and if you're taking it personal just cz they hit you and took your stuff then you're looking for more tea. In my experience I've only made more friends from farming and they even wanted me to farm some folks who they didn't like lol. And demanding ATA to remove a foundation element from a game is like playing PUBG with no airdrop.
  16. Op, you’re an idiot.

    How can you correlate PVP with anxiety and depression? That’s like comparing, Apes and zebras, it doesn’t make sense.

    It’s like you’re trying to “pressure” ATA to feel guilty. As previous response said, this game was built on PVP.

    Honestly, if your depression and anxiety worsens get the fuck off the game.

    This whole peace tag thing was purely for the party fairies, they received a tonne of backlash for it, so they added it to the spinner and lessened your chances of getting it.
  17. No Support, Uninstall and go play Harvest Moon or something
  18. As everyone have already mentioned above, pimd has always been a PvP game. Also as this game is based on college life where fights and battles happen as well, hence the same feature is here to have a overall college experience. As far as real life is concerned sometimes people need to let off steam somewhere and farming comes in handy during those times. There are also times when some people are annoying or irritating you for literally no reason and it woud bug you a lot if you wouldn't be able to do something about it. But fortunately you can by farming them. If you don't want to bullied peace tag is always an option. If not, make yourself strong enough to fight back!
    P. S no offence, I am stating my opinion as well.
  19. Asking the devs to remove a feature which has been a part of the game's foundation is just dumb asf. I still remember PVP being in the beginner's tutorial till 2016. Folks didn't have any trouble learning the game's basics back then.
    Noodie3, Obnoxious6, Judgy and 4 others like this.
  20. Is this like masturbating while exercising or something?
    Judgy, Nicoolest and DevilsWife like this.
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