Poll: Accents

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Spider-Girl, Jun 29, 2019.


Your Favourite Accent

  1. American

    1 vote(s)
  2. English / British

    5 vote(s)
  3. Australian

    5 vote(s)
  4. Scottish

    3 vote(s)
  5. French

    4 vote(s)
  6. Spanish

    1 vote(s)
  7. Italian

    0 vote(s)
  8. Russian

    1 vote(s)
  9. Indian

    1 vote(s)
  10. Other (please comment below!)

    5 vote(s)
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  1. I would like to apologize that I could not fit every (specific) accent in. Feel free to list reasonings or specifics in a reply!
  2. No preference. I like all accents once I get used to them. Having a preference for accents is high key racist lmao. All are equal in the goof eye.
  3. I like singaporian accent lah lah
  4. Southernđź’™
  5. I don’t have a preference, I’m more into the tone and pitch of a person’s voice?
    Sloth likes this.
  6. You like the demanding and angry tone amirite
    Chillex likes this.
  7. I like the accent when everyone shuts up.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  8. I like it best when you don’t speak.
  9. Wowwww. What kind of pup are you
  10. requesting lock
  11. You coulda just not bumped lmao. Also, I dislike most accents. Trinidadian accents and irish accents are cute doe
  12. Inb4 lock
    Buwbuw, MiniMinx and GodTierOni like this.
  13. Puerto Rican Spanish. 🤭💕
    Buwbuw and Ecstasy like this.
  14. Also inb4lock.
    Buwbuw likes this.
  15. Oh, I misread the thread and thought it was asking for my accent. Lmao

    I love Australian and Welsh accents.
  16. I voted Australian and would’ve voted Scottish if I saw it there. They’re just so different from what I typically hear and they’re the hardest for me to imitate.

    Edit: Scottish is in there! *facepalm*
  17. locking đź‘Ť
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