So... If You Attended To The $20BBB... How Did You Think It Went? Is There Anything You Would Have Changed *I know me personally wish i had a little more time to recruit* For All People Who Attended or Not: Would You Go To *another?* One In The Future?
I'd do another. You did a good job, considering the fact that you've had a lot going on.. it all went well. Appreciate your hard work and dedication and that of your fellow organizers.
Hello, I have a question... There are many things in the menu and they are also on other places... Would it be possible to add also CAMPUS BUZZ there? I have to restart the game everytime I want to look on it... Thanks
I attended and I liked it. 💖 I guess the one thing I'd wanted to be changed was the time. It was 6am my time 😅 I understand that you need to accommodate different timezones as well though. There was a bit of a delay to start but when it did things were smooth af and ppl were actually cooperative which was great 💖 Yep would go to one again. 😊
I loved it, and appreciate the work you put in! It was my first BBB and I enjoyed it a lot. Would attend again.
Totally wanted to attend but was busy at the last time slot, hoping you’ll be doing one again soon so I can join 😊