Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATARogers, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. (meant to type) "can he fix it!?"
  2. Interesting...
  3. [​IMG]

    I drew my OP ex tutu [ATA]Strange
  4. ATA Meeting

    Marceline sits back comfortably in her chair, a bag of munchies clutched in her left hand, always a must for her. Her fingers on her right hand, covered in the remains of the cheesy snack.

    “ Mmm, did anyone place a lunch order yet? Or do I have to snack on these Cheetos all day! “ Marceline exclaims her mouth stuffed with Cheetos.

    Wanda raises a brow, her eyes looking from side to side, a cup of coffee with the words #1 Dad wrote in bright letters on the side, held tightly in her hands. She sighs before replying to Marceline,

    “ Marce babe, it’s 10am and I’m still drinking my coffee.. “ she shakes her head, “ .. and you’re worried about lunch? Eat your munchies, and help yourself to one of the donuts Zelda bought in for everyone “ she nods towards the assortment of doughnuts laid out on the table for everyone to pick at.

    Zelda perks up hearing her name, her eyes shift from the clutched phone, her case covered in stars and moons, a little witchy. She’s always been into the occult, sweetly she smiles towards the doughnuts, before replying cheerfully

    “ Yes, Eat them! That’s why I bought them, help yourself everyone! “ she exclaims before returning her focus back towards her phone, looking over spells and brews.

    The door to the meeting room swings open, and in walks Jean in her usual blue jeans and t-shirt a smile on her face, she could live in jeans, but who wouldn’t the way they fit her. “ hey guys, did I miss the meeting? “ she asks as she sits down in between Zelda and Loki, who as usual is coloring an arrangement of dinosaurs in the wilderness, not much of a talker but an amazing artist for sure. Not to long after Jean, Rogers walks in with sun glasses covering his eyes as if it’s to bright to see in the room. “ Hello beautiful people! Let’s get this over with and head to the beach! “ he shouts before plopping down into a seat next to Marceline and Winston. Ah, Winston is basic, he wears and listens to what’s trending, he goes along with what everyone agrees on, he’s a very easing going guy, great to get along with.

    Claptrap slowly opens the door, revealing some of the ata members. His expression looks a bit confused, he mumbles “ uhh.. where am I? “ as he looks around the room. Maeve replies from behind him, “ Are you claptrap? Sorry, I was suppose to welcome you but I caught up playing trivia with some of my best mates. Go ahead in!” She says softly. Claptrap enters the room, followed by Maeve, everyone smiles warmingly welcoming him at the team.

    Luce walks through the door moments after, wearing her hair in braids and a head band with bright yellow sunflowers around it. She smells of flowers, as usual, gardening has always been her hobby. Sometimes everyone refers to her as “ Mother Nature “, she tries to make the world a little greener everyday. “ hey guys, everyone here? “ she asks. Wanda shakes her head, “ not quiet “ she replies before taking another sip of her coffee. Finally in follows Strange, quickly he walks to his seat as if he wasn’t the last one to arrive. He grins towards Wanda, “ I have arrived “ he says before acting out a fake shot, he throws his imaginary basketball into the air and makes a “ swisssh “ sound before grinning “ totally made that “ he laughs. Wanda laughs at him, before the rest let out little laughs, Marceline rolls her eyes before munching down another Cheeto. Everyone has arrived..

    • to be continued -
    Affliction, _DEMIDEVIL_ and Muschi like this.
  5. I love Jean being headcanoned as a redhead. #Twinning
  6. Jean and Zelda* lol. i need to proofread my posts. ;0;
  7. Omg.. How did u do that.. I try other url but still can't.. 🤭
    Thank you so much
  8. Thank you so much for reposting or redoing the url 💕
  9. Will put it here later
  10. I recommend using Imgur if you ever post a pic again! Once you upload it, just press and hold on the picture, then open it in a new tab. Then copy that url; it should end in either .png or .jpg or else it won't work!
  11. [​IMG]

    Lowkey Loki ❤
    I wish you could tell their hair is golden since they like shiny things😂
    Rose, Affliction, _DEMIDEVIL_ and 3 others like this.
  12. Oooo this is cute 💖💖💖
    -Wisteria- likes this.
  15. D

    That’s actually sounds awesome
  16. [​IMG]
    I had fun hekhek, i love this challenge
    Button, Rose, Green and 24 others like this.
  17. So ... what app should I use to post my entry ? Because many images are not visible