What's the most I have ever had at one time or what have I spent throughout my entire time of playing? Because I know the most I had at one time was $2.9t but I can't math so I couldn't tell you how much all of my dorm mates together cost.
Hmm. Probably around 18t promo just gone. I really wanted to reach 30mcs. ๐ Rl money spent? I said I never would. But have probably spent about 1k. Only on the BF and 4th July promos, and the Alice in Wonderland hunt. I figure it's a leisure activity like anything else, I've had a year hiatus from Roller Derby so had what I'd usually spend on training fees and travel to "waste." And just quietly, my sugar mama has funded my ec habit. Thanks baby. @Trashieee ๐๐