Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. ASS will check Skyhigh
  2. Mic Drop will test Noodle Express
  3. NL checking Cabana Pro
  4. ASS changes testing to Jpop 💕
  5. HLM testing Factory Art Pro
  6. TCC - Factory Art
  7. POTD being tested so far

    Blue plate special
    Draw manga
    Noodle Express
    Enjoy Jpop
    Anime expo
    Factory Art
  8. Dumpster Dive @ CSWU
  9. Buni’s Home testing counter Culture
  10. Beyond Stars diy tattoo
  11. POTD being tested so far

    Blue plate special
    Draw manga
    Noodle Express
    Enjoy Jpop
    Anime expo
    Factory Art
    Dumpster dive
    Counter Culture
    DIY tattoo
  12. Sorry didnt see it had dropped earlier in the hunt
  13. SE will check RKS
  14. CWB testing prank. Currently halfway through party but may need help
  15. POTD being tested so far

    Blue plate special
    Draw manga
    Noodle Express
    Enjoy Jpop
    Anime expo
    Factory Art
    Dumpster dive
    Counter Culture
    DIY tattoo
    Restles kegg syndrome
    Prank Primer
  16. Testing Art Starzzz at PuppyPower
  17. Pros Being Tested:
    Counter - Holo
    Cabana -NL

    Untested Pros:

    DIY Tattoo (Pro)
    Art Starzzz (Pro)
    Hype Machine (Pro)
    Waitlisted (Pro)
    Enjoi J-POP (Pro)
    Big In Japan (Pro)
    Blue Plate Special (Pro)
    First World Problems (Pro)
  18. TwicedTrashed will test Hype Machine