Organization investigation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sherlockmysterydetective, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. And what if we're the aliens and area 51 is where our mothership is hidden so we could never return to our home.
  2. Was talking about you, I see you still haven't learned how to read
  3. I said that weeks ago.
    Proof you’re obsessed.
  4. If I was obsessed I had been replied to it but you're here quick
  5. Because I got a notif from my number 1 fan 👹
    Blothhundur and MiniMinx like this.
  6. Seems like your the fan since you're all on my posts
  7. Requesting lock this man is harassing me 🤧
    Blothhundur and MiniMinx like this.