
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Hoes_Luv_Me, Jul 13, 2019.

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  1. Idea 1: Avatar Abilities.
    1 ability per avi,
    Examples below🔽

    Stats boost,
    Phsyical strength & intelligence.
    Will add actual stats to player stats but only while avi is equipped.

    Cash lord
    Earns extra money in all actions
    Both party & pvp.
    only while avi is equipped.

    Party pooper.
    Lowers stat(s) of strength
    And adds to intelligence stat(s)
    only while avi is equipped.
  2. ...avatars alrdy have abilities.... extra stats😐🌚
    Muschi likes this.
  3. Stamped and approved!
  4. Oh that’s cool like little perks for the avatars.
    Hoes_Luv_Me likes this.
  5. I feel like this should have been the role of pets tbh.
    Voseph and Hoes_Luv_Me like this.
  6. They already have stats
  7. Most importantly...

    Make em tradeable!
  8. I said "abilities" not "stats"....idiot read, idiot read! Don't make yourself look dumb following others
  9. Typical use of thinking, Abilities aren't the same as stats!
  10. So what youre saying is they shpuld REMOVE the stats and add abilities? I feel like this wouldnt flow because theyre so many avatars and these "bonuses" are usually found elsewhere in the game. The cash bonus for example has the subscription and can be found under VIP. The adding actual stats doesnt seem balanced at all cause if a lil nub gets it will they become really strong compared to many others? Or will it not really benefit the bigger players this is fairly unbalanced as well so the scaled percentage fixes that. The lower strength and higher intel. can be used in situations I guess this truly helps pure builds. Overall, there are many things that dont make sense/ dont fit into the game. We already have the percentage stats so that should do!
    Muschi likes this.
  11. I- you obviously arent going to gain support if youre going to come after someone like that. You should be more kinder and explain it.
    Muschi and Cindyrela like this.
  12. Explain an ability, Op
  13. Wow. Your attitude is crazy ugly. Can we buy you a new one??
    WhoTfIsWesday and Muschi like this.
  14. It's just that his noob attitude doesn't understand the over abundance of misc and dates as they already exist.

    Wtf is the point of trying to make an avi more relevant?

    If anything it's because dev makes Avi such prize in noob hunters minds?

    Be cooler if they rewarded maybe a piece of furniture like a 499.
  15. You're so redundant and irrelevant. That has probably been thrown in the bowl of ideas when the devs brainstorms for every update they make and got rejected. So 🤷🏻‍♂️
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