I would like

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Gtfo, Jul 8, 2019.

  1. The statistics on if forums are more visited now. What do you think more or less used? I say less.
  2. I feel like forums were never used that much. I have noticed new ppl tho or maybe they just flew under my radar before
    Jaey, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  3. I think.. we all think.. updating forums was a good idea.. but, not pointing any fingers..
  4. Less. I normally only checks forums til POTD is found
  5. Same, I also think people are visiting forums a lot more since it was updated and easier to access all of the threads, new & old.
  6. Idk, I feel like it has pretty much kept the same plateau of activity. There have always been brief periods of time in which forums has been dead or poppin' but I don't think the update really changed that.
  7. I personally use forums about the same, however I think that because it’s now more user friendly that more people are taking a peep.
  8. I haven't been lurking as much since the update... I feel like doing anything in forums now takes more time. But also. I have been far busier irl... so. 🤷🏼‍♀️
    AmethystNight, Muschi and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  9. I agree. Opening threads, scrolling, readingfirst comment, scrolling, readign second comment, etc. Makes catching up on 2 pages take a long ass time and it feels sluggish.

    There is also a learning curve. People who used to use forums are now a bit confused, and disoriented and might have stopped, while other people, I think, have come into the fold because of the new UI.

    I think it will just become more active especially if a.t.a implement the big fixes.

    Give us a button to jump to the next post. I don't want to scroll so muchhhhhhhh
    Muschi and AmethystNight like this.
  10. I also agree. To me, forums feel like they take longer now to check and get around, and I don't think I check them as much. It's still a bit overwhelming, and I feel like it takes more energy to be here.
    Muschi likes this.
  11. I can’t say I’ve really sat down and tried to figure them out, it just seems unorganized right now. Not saying don’t change what isn’t broken because obviously in the tech world you need to update things to stay in the run, but I think ata should try to make it a lot more user friendly.
  12. It's trash either way
    -Noob-With-Boobs- likes this.
  13. I used to get on forums at least once a day, Now I kinda forget about it🤷🏻‍♂️
    Kefo likes this.
  14. Yeah I know how long it will take to check so procrastination leads to more. I feel more inclined to big catch-ups.
  15. I still hate this layout
  16. This is only my tenth time or something in forums since it changed- including on my main and I used to be in here ALL THE TIME. Honestly seems like too much of a hassle now
  17. i used to ignore the old forum because it was harder to use. now, im just having fun using and reading it 😊
  18. The users aren't in a position to produce statistics for ya. I'm afraid you'll have to contact ATA for that
  19. Ata doesn’t like me anymore ;(
  20. I’m still not the best at maneuvering through new forums so I’m not on as often as I used to be