Petition to improve offer board for ecs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Marigold, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. Idk about y'all, but if you're doing the offer board, you're doing it because you DON'T want to PAY for ecs with actual cash. I petition we get rid of ALL offers that require you to make a purchase so it can free up more room for others offers.
    _Mae_Dr3ams_ and -Cata- like this.
  2. ATA doesn’t have control over what is put on the offer wall. Another company named Fyber controls the offers.

    Personally, I understand. But as I’ve said before, ATA is also running a business to make money so I mean, they can’t be giving away things so easily.
  3. They aren’t in control of that, someone with more knowledge will say the same thing with the correct info, like location and name of company.

    But I do agree, I only did one offer before and it didn’t work. I went to try months later and it’s all purchase offers. So that kinda blows
    Marigold likes this.
  4. So I wonder if there's anything that can be done, like possibly getting ahold of fyber? Make a legitimate petition and send it to them? Or do we talk to ATA about it and see if they can rearrange the offer board?
  5. The first is possible I suppose, but I doubt Fyber will change anything as they also have to make their money somehow.

    And as previously stated ATA has no ability to change the offer wall.

    I would try working a different angle to get extra credits personally.
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Iiii don’t personally trust stuff like that, sooooo I just buy from the store when I can for my EC. I mean I’d sign it, but I most likely wouldn’t do any work for it.
    Marigold likes this.
  7. I haven't bought ec or done any offers and I'm doing absolutely fine
    Muschi and Marigold like this.
  8. Back in the old days there was no offer wall
    Muschi and Marigold like this.
  9. Fyber controls the offer board, hun. and no, although there are offers that asks u to make a purchase, there are some people who are dependent in getting a lot of ecs at a cheap price and we are not getting the same offers so some had no other choice but to pay for those.
    Marigold likes this.