"WeLl-KnOwN MeMbEr"

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kefo, Jul 3, 2019.


Do you know who X is?

  1. Yeah

  2. Nah

  3. Lil Nas

  4. Bite my shiny metal ass

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I want in on this deal
    Chili, Kefo and Nemo like this.
  2. *Curious*
    Jaey, ExtraCredit3, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  3. Deal. My mouth is locked and I shoved the key in a very wet and dark place.
    PokeyPokayyyy, Roleplay and Chili like this.
  4. Hmm.. so you're liking other ppl's posts but not mine. 😡
    -Sodagirl-, Chili and Nemo like this.
  5. Double bet. *hands you a key*
    PokeyPokayyyy and Roleplay like this.
  6. Your nose..that's hawt.
    Chili and Nemo like this.
  7. To be fair, he and I are divorced but we still have an army of children so we have to get along and support eachother.
    PokeyPokayyyy, Chili and Roleplay like this.
  8. Okay okay, fine. I'll like yall. This some kind of polygamy
    Roleplay and Nemo like this.
  9. #Like4Like
    Nemo likes this.
  10. Damn.. everyone was previously married. You can't trust anyone these days. 😶 Smh.
    Nemo likes this.
  11. Nah nah.. you good. I don't want you anymore.
  12. Hey donut leave me out pls
  13. I remember this on fb.
    PokeyPokayyyy, Chili and Roleplay like this.
  14. Ikr 😂
    Nemo and Chili like this.
  15. Wait, I thought I gave up custody and agreed with no refunds no support?
    Nemo likes this.
  16. Bite my shiny metal ass :p
    Kefo, Nemo and Chili like this.
  17. L4L F4F
    Nemo and Chili like this.
  18. I am heartbroken
    Nemo likes this.
  19. No ur not. Donut lie to me.
    Nemo likes this.
  20. On other news, X's popularity has doubled. His fan base is called The Exes.
    Nemo likes this.