It's Not Me, It's You

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. I really want misc
  2. Lmao 😂✌️
    Sometimes hate is more rewarding than love
    Nemo likes this.
  3. Nice work @Hulk I laik it
    Nemo likes this.
  4. I didn’t read cuz it’s tooo long
    Nemo likes this.
  5. It's berry readable tho. It doesn't feel that long once you get into it
    Nemo likes this.
  6. That's what he said
    PokeyPokayyyy likes this.
  7. You are the most mature birb there is tbh
    Nemo likes this.
  8. I love it when you compliment me. ♡
    PokeyPokayyyy and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  9. You'll have noticed I'm gone by now. Don't worry- I took the dog, too. I know you never cared much for him. By now, I should be on a plane out of the country. There's no one to blame, really. It's not that I ever fell out of love with you, nor was it something you did or did not do. It was simply time for me to leave, move on and explore new things. It was never in my nature to stay in one place; mortgage a home, have kids, holidays around a big family table... I never wanted those things. For you- I tried. I made sacrifices, got a 'steady' job like you wanted. It was a beautiful few years, but the world was calling. And you were just so content to sit on the couch and watch it on a screen. I may never find what I'm looking for, but I hope, one day, you find it all.
    AllMixiedUp, Nemo and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  10. Kind/Sensitive:
    "Hello, how are you doing? I know we haven't talked that much these days and we are quite distant. For the past 5 years we've been together, I found out things about myself, learned new things, grew up as the man I am today and became a better person compared to the person I am 5 years ago. You taught me a lot of things and I am thankful because of that, really thankful. All those memorable moments good or bad I will treasure them, dearly. Right now, eventho we have been in love all these years I think we need to grow individually, meet more people and know more about ourselves. If fate permit us, we'll meet again. I loved you."

    "We were something, we were happy and was so in love. You've let me go, so please don't expect me to chase after you. No, I will never. I gave you everything I have and you gave me nothing but conditional love. You don't even call that love. You're just lonely and needed someone to give you that attention. News flash, I ain't that someone anymore. You can go ahead and hoe around all you want but don't you ever come back when those people won't give you enough love that I've given you. Bye."
    Day, Nemo and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  11. Dear I dont love you anymore,

    Buy me more food and we might get back together k?

    Your normal ex that is fat
    Day and Nemo like this.
  12. Oml this is too beautiful thank you
    Nemo and Victoria like this.
  13. Thank you for the prompt 💜
    I was really feeling this one.
    WhoTfIsWesday and Nemo like this.
  14. DEAR LOVE OF MY LIFE, (At least that’s what ya like to call yourself 🤷‍♂️)

    Is it hot in here or is this relationship suffocating me? I just can't take the bad s*x anymore. I'll always remember last night, but I think we can forget about tomorrow. Roses are red, Violets are blue. Garbage is dumped, now so are you. Do you believe in love at first sight? How about misery after three years? I now pronounce you dumped and single. You may now kiss my a**. You're perfect in every way, just not for me.It's not's your taste in music. Hey baby, are you being followed? Because I've been seeing people behind your back. Maybe this is not the right time for us. Really, our time together has just become more effort than you're worth. I wish I could say you were the most special person in the world, but you're not. You care too much about the KKK...Kim Kourtney & Khloe. Roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so were you... but now the roses are wilted the violets are dead the sugar bowls empty and so is your head. We're just at different points in our lives. I just can't handle the distance....Sorry. Maybe we're not compatible"

    Yours Truly,

    PS. Do not reply
    Nemo likes this.
  15. It has been 6 years and you still haven't returned the nude.

    Janelle, I don't know what it is about us that made you disengage so much from me. There were so many times in our relationship that I thought about leaving you and that I thought you would leave me. But also so many moments when I thought "we will cherish this memory together for the rest of our lives"...

    But I now know what won in the end.

    Do you remenber our first meeting on Habbo Hotel, when I was in the pool and you saw my vasectomy scar, and then I pulled you into the pool to try to murder you because you had been laughing, or when I later bought you a drink to apologize because I didn't realize that you had been laughing in stead at my shirt that said "Why did the chicken cross the road?
    To get to the other side
    Our shared sense of humour for dark jokes like that is what really endeared my towards you.

    I like to think of that first meeting as a metaphor for our relationship.

    After that I asked for your MySpace, and you gave it to me. And when I was reading it, I learnt so much about you. I felt like I could trust you with everything, especially the fact that I had carried out the vasectomy on myself to honour Germaine Greer.

    My devotion is one thing that my mother always said was my strongest suit. When we had to move away from school, it was my devotion to my family that got me through the struggles, the hunger, the times we had to run from the police, and to reach The Sanctuary. We loved the sanctuary. But regardless, my love of Germaine Greer, family, human hair collection, and of you, my dear Janelle, encouraged me to be supportive despite the dangers.

    I know that compared to me, you are gutless. You are not committed, devoted, and you have no purpose in life. On your myspace you said you had a dog but you did not keep them around with you on Habbo Hotel! This is why, when I sent you that message, you declined to respond. You blocked me for fear at the time of judgement. My mother and elder brother would be ashamed of you!

    You have never read a word of Germaine Greer, you uncultured swowl.

    That was meant to be the first day of the rest of our lives but you left me distraught and hopeless. Never had my devotion been betrayed, not even when my elder brother took my mother for his wife.

    You have problems to sort out. Life to live. Experiences to have. You will come back when you are mature enough.
    ExtraCredit3 likes this.
  16. @Kefo channeling your inner neckbeard, nice.