When do u think the leader board will be out?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Sirrracha, Jul 2, 2019.


When do u think the leader board will be out?

  1. Today at change over

  2. Tomorrow

    0 vote(s)
  3. The next next next day aka 4th of July

  4. Never

  5. The last day of the hunt

  6. Idk???

  7. Tbh idc about lb

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hi it's been a while and lb hasn't been released .
  2. you replied to it
    Roleplay and Seriously like this.
  3. 😂
  4. That thread? but there wasn't a poll?
  5. 💀😂
  6. And i oop-
  7. That doesn't make a difference...
    Jaey likes this.
  8. I mean they were just talking about it but this is a poll to actually vote so there's a difference
  9. Yeee
  10. This hasn’t been locked? 👀