NEW FEATURE Renaming: Do It Yourself!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, May 29, 2019.

  1. It says 20ec to change so if it charged 40 y’all should send help ticket asking about being overcharged possibly
  2. Yall I'd be pissed if someone took my screenname
  3. I bet none of you have the balls to take the name 00_Mulva.
  4. Didn't think so.
  5. I lol'd
  6. Tbh. Cool eventho I am too late
  7. Be early next time
  8. Another job lost to a robot 😶 they’re coming
  9. Yes, sir
  10. I mean nobody is stopping you either
    AmethystNight likes this.
  11. Is this effective immediately?
  12. Yes! Just type in the desired name and the system will automatically check and clear if it’s available. If it is, great! Enjoy a new name! If not, you’ll have to either pick a different name or just wait it out. :)
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Is there spots open
  14. How do you clear a name if you’re wanting to use it on a new account? 🤔
  15. You wait 6months for your old acc to be inactive or you change your old accs name and give your new acc the name.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. It’s not my account and is there any way to tell if the player has been inactive for that long? 👀
  17. Not an exact way but try to figure it out by looking at their showcase and wall.
    Muschi likes this.