
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JoyBoy, Jul 1, 2019.

  1. Fun aunts and uncles in my eyes take you to have food when your parents explicitly say no. Take notes @Sherily
  2. I'll take you out to Chuck E Cheese and also steal you a bottle of bourbon on the way there.
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  3. Be my other mother pls. 😥
  4. Pick me up now
  5. Omg babies are so cute! Specially when they laugh or smile when they have no teeth ❤
  6. [​IMG]
  7. Imma be the cool uncle
  8. You have kids and I’ll babysit k
  9. I thought you said you want 20 kids :p
  10. Never said they had to be mine
    They all have cute chubby cheeks 🥺
  12. I'm sacred of having babies. I guess it's because I don't feel good enough about myself that I would be able to take care of one
    Ecchisaurus likes this.
  13. I'm sacred of having babies. I guess it's because I don't feel good enough about myself that I would be able to take care of one
  14. Tbh A lot of people lack the ability to realize that and just pop 'em out so kudos to you.
  15. Babies are cute but only when I don't have responsibility over them 😌
  16. Imo babies are the best, I'd love to have kids of my own someday, however in my current situation I know I'm not financially ready, plus it'd help if I had a S/O
  17. I think babies are cute when not looking at them on the internet.
    When they're online they make me feel uncomfortable.
    Muschi likes this.
  18. I agree. I'd much rather see a baby irl
  19. As long as these babies ain’t ATE_EM I’ll be fine
    PapiLovesHisTequila and Muschi like this.
  20. Babies Are Cute And All But I’ll Stick To Being The Fun Aunt For Now :rolleyes: