Heckin Angery

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemo, Jul 1, 2019.

  1. I wanna be that parrot
    Arse likes this.
  2. I've never felt more flattered.
    Roleplay likes this.
  3. People around you need to step up their game
  4. I don't have many ppl around me :')
  5. Wifey. Are you cheating on me with a small bird?
  6. Wifey?
    Chili likes this.
  7. Awwww my heart 😢🤧🤧
    Nemo likes this.
  8. Good.. clears my way 🙂
  9. You say that but I haven't seen u in my pms yet 🤭
  10. [​IMG]
    MiniMinx and Kefo like this.
  11. Much dislike
  12. I didn't think I'd get this far
  13. LMAO
  14. I'll just blame everything I do on being Drunk
    Pun intended
  15. But if u were drunk, wouldn't u be in my pms? 🌚
  16. Why you blowin my cover?
  17. Also, I liked Bo more :(
  18. Too bad, I have identity issues
  19. [​IMG]
    Sloth likes this.
  20. Weren't you a guy when you created the furniture thread?