if you could eat anything right now what would it be?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mousey, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. what’s that
  2. You should try a donair poutine. 👌🏻
  3. Funnel cake
    -Sodagirl- likes this.
  4. Pure heaven
  5. One time, my grandpa made a kiwi whiskey sorbet, and I would die to have some again. 🤤
    Maddi_Matsu and Kefo like this.
  6. Outstandingly detailed description
  7. Are you serious
    MiniMinx likes this.
  8. Not the spaghetti 😳 but chickenjoy yes
    Jaey likes this.
  9. I just finished my fries and kinda want some more
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. Takoyaki. ♥️ my fav.
  11. Me too
  12. TAKOYAKI be the best ❤️
  13. Funnel Cake from Canadas Wonderland!
  14. Strawberry mini wheats.. no milk.
  15. Hello ex-master
  16. Don't address me.. you don't accept my gifts.
    -Sodagirl- likes this.
  17. Lmao and what about you!
  18. I I rly want cornbread rn w jalapeno jelly