
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sherily, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. I'm going to Denny's later and realized I pretty much always get the same thing.

    What are your favorite things to get at Denny's? I want to try something different this time.
  2. I’ve never been to Denny’s but I heard they have a Horchata Milkshake and now I really wanna go
  3. I don't have an iHop near me, though. :(
    Pls pity me.
  4. The tbone steak w extra eggs
  5. I don’t go to Denny’s
    I prefer IHOP tbh
    PapiLovesHisTequila likes this.
  6. Okay, 🗣 DENNY'S IS GOOD, TOO.

  7. Ooh, I have never had their steak before.
  8. When?
  9. I’ve only ever been to Denny’s after late nights.

    So I’m usually mad tired or drunk, and I’ll eat anything tbh.
  10. There is no Denny's in my area 😭
  11. WHEN I EAT IT.
  12. I almost never go to Denny's; I usually go to iHop. Or waffle house. 😁 I love breakfast places, especially at 2/3am or so. 😂
    LunaRavenGoddess likes this.
  13. 😂🤧
  14. I mean, that's the ideal time for Denny's consumption but my friends want to have dinner there tonight.
  15. What’s denny’s 🤨
  16. I’m a fan of any breakfast food at all, so I’m not much help 😂
  17. What rock do you live under.
  18. When you ask about Denny's and the cult of iHop makes themselves known.

    Lime, Voseph and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  19. Sobriety