Trading Misc.

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Bambi_, Jun 29, 2019.

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  1. OK so this is a random thread that im gonna make just so people can post what stats they are selling in the price (I might even buy some of y'all stats 😂) but all u gotta do is post the name of the stats, what stats they are (2mcs single, 3mcs single, etc.) And just name the price alone with it I'll go first

    I'm selling 5mcs single Forget-Me-Nots cat for idk maybe 6-8b (trying for 6b) but tell me what y'all are selling and let's see how many people are selling stats (u can also sell mixed stata all r welcome).

    U can also say what u r buying on this thread too.
  2. How is this different from Trading stat items thread? uwu
  3. Its not different but i got bored 🙄 if u don't like my thread u can always go to a different one 😑 plus lots of people post the same kind of threads
  4. Wtf is a stat item, wtf is a stat, wtf is a b?

    PSA: B/b stands for Billions of Pimd Bucks 💰
    and 🍱 and o stands for bentOs 😁🌱🌈

    You are talkign about story rewards? Make it 2 letters. SR. Save the characters and be accurate. Ur banned.

    Use showcase item trading thread pleaseeeeee 😭💀💀💀💀
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Bored of a thread so you made a new one?
  6. U want me to change the title?
  7. I did not say i was bored of a thread I said I was bored so u know what that means? It means I had nothing to do so I make a thread about selling and buying misc.
  8. Wtf you mean you got bored? You mean you wanted attention so you made a duplicate thread? Wrong kind of attention. Hi welcome to forums. Maximum 3 threads per day, no spam, follow RoC. Get attention without being a nuisance.
  9. But there's already one that is pretty active.. I don't see the point but I guess being bored justifies everything these days
  10. How is this trying to get attention? If y'all wanna be buttholes y'all can leave I never asked for y'all opinions dummy 😑 and I dont want attention i rather post threads then see pervs on campus
  11. And I guess being dumb like u justifies alot too? If theres already a active thread like this then go to that one then I only posted this in other topics for a reason it means they can look at it of they want to I'm not trying to take attention from the active thread like this already dummy
  12. Honey, the only one looking dumb right now is you.
    Read the part in bold and take your own advice ❤️
    Muschi and Kefo like this.
  13. Inb4 lock

    And if you knew there was already a thread doing the same thing as this, then the only reason you could possibly have for posting it is to get attention. Bump and lurk it if you want something go read.
  14. I've already been on that thread 'Honey' as u can see what I posted was a RANDOM THREAD which means its there for no reason dummy I swear some people dont know the meaning of words these days
  15. 1. Post a random thread.
    2. Post a thread for no reason.
    3. Be stubborn when someone points out the futility of the thread.
  16. In order to be a random thread, it has to be basic enough to not be considered duplicate, or attempting to copy something that actually took effort to make.

    This is a duplicate thread, not a random thread. There is a difference.
  17. Atleast she agreed that it's a random thread for no reason a.k.a pointless and useless
  18. Honey I can be way more then stubborn as I said I didnt care for people saw my thread or not 🙄 I was bored
  19. And I said "Being bored justifies anything these days"
  20. Ive didnt make a duplicate thread 🙄 the dumbness of people on this game make me lose a braincell everyday i swear. If I made a duplicate thread then I would claim it as my own
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