[29/6/19] New Layout in Forums!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Khalid, Jun 29, 2019.

  1. It might take awhile for me to get used to this 😥
  2. It's so... Different, but it does look nice. Gonna take some getting use to for sure.
  3. This new layout is really good. And it's not complicated. This is more easier.
    We just need to stay calm and Enjoy.

    No need to remember code! I love it;)
    Providence likes this.
  4. Yes! Even i was looking for it.😋
  5. so confusing
    Sloth likes this.
  7. some people seem confused and/or unsure of the changes, so @Day and I are familiarising ourselves with them in order to come up with a guide on how to navigate and use forums! coming at ya soon
    Aei, Sloth and Amethysttt like this.
  8. I pressed reply and I see one thing I like but the look? No. The feel? No. Does that matter? No. Anyways, I really want to know how to make a new post.......
    And it won't let me login in forums....it says my password is incorrect. 😡 time to put in a ticket🙄
  9. Forums entered the 21st century is what's happening!

    Makeover time.
  10. Eh too confusing
  11. this new look is rlly interesting. 👀
  12. An official video run-through would be golden
    Get on it ATA
    Amethysttt likes this.
  13. Sure but how we can change pfp?
  14. Me too 😅
  15. Update: I now know how to find the most recent activity posts which is where most of my confusion was. But now, has anyone figured out how to put a picture up? Lol
  16. When this cat is prettier than me.
  17. Idk what I’m doing send helpppp
  18. Yes, it’s the little picture icon plus the link. You’ll still need to use imgur or a similar application I believe.
  19. I tried to click your text as if it were a hyperlink 😶
  20. ThErE Is A tHrEaD FoR ThAT