
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bored-1millionth-Account, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Support, as long as the note will completely disappear if the other person deletes you.
  2. Come on people I know more people read the forums and this would be such a helpful added feature.
  3. No support.

    Why take the fun out of using link skills?
  4. Not everyone has to support a new idea.
  5. I'd use this
  6. Not everyone has to be so simple minded and not support an idea they wish they thought of
  7. I see why you posted this on an alt now.
  8. So technically a “nickname” that you can give your friends but only you see it!
  9. I posted it on an alt because i barely care about this game anymore im to the point i am about to be like him and leave. Im in 14 sfw and been in one for about 2yrs. Thats the only thing i even enjoy on here anymore
  10. ?If you no longer care about the game, don’t bother making a “suggestion”
  11. That would be rude. The least I can do is make the game more tolerable and simple for others lol
  12. I just forget everyone so they can be butthurt. 🙂
    Day likes this.
  13. Lucky you only 2 yrs sfw. I been in sfw since i played this game :oops:
  14. Y
    You’ve must’ve done something then...
    Jaidah likes this.
  15. I was like 30
    i was like 30% down for this idea, until this cocky message 🌚 if you want support for an idea on a game you apparently don’t care for, maybe don’t insult your audience for not feeling the same support
  16. Back then if u hire an up tut that are 10kcs 100m hv u get farmed. My pup spoil me hits everyday. I got farmed for no reason they just want me to reset, till i learn to love sfw always messing with people who highly think to themselves.
  17. Resetting accounts. Good times
  18. How to reset?
  19. You no longer can. You can only unlink your account and delete the game to leave it abandoned.
    MiniMinx likes this.
  20. My exact thought process tbh.