Note: For ease of requoting on the new forums, I've removed the old quote tagging since I couldn't figure out an easier way now that replies automatically only use the last quote. QUOTE=iSuspiria Aaagain smh... 100 Papaya Half... 100 Cauliflower... 100 Plantain... QUOTE=FiantoDuri Found by: -CnC_iMattFarmForPrincess- QUOTE=dragonair 5 air essence, 10 water essence and 20 Cosmo essence 20 Wood essence and 15 gemstone essence Credits to agent_sg for finding these QUOTE=FiantoDuri [/QUOTE] QUOTE=Victoria I was trying to find the meteorite combo. I haven't yet, but I did find this beauty! ❤️
First, my 20 eggs and 20 sprouts did not make my cact-owl 😭... was it a typo? Second, anyone know what the combos are for the already made gummy nope, feeding fronds, cact-owl and flowering paper are, as they are “combine with others in unpredictable ways? Third, anyone find the combo for the meteorite necklace yet? H᷉᷈E᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈L᷉᷈P᷉᷈P᷉᷈P᷉᷈P᷉᷈P᷉᷈P᷉᷈ !!!!! L᷉᷈o᷉᷈l᷉᷈
I’m not sure why, but in order for my cactowl to combine I had to trade the items to an alt and trade back.